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- Rizek Peralta - Corredores de Seguros
INSURANCE BROKERS MORE THAN 18 YEARS TAKING CARE OF YOU Analysis and evaluation risk Management advice risk, preservation personal assets and business Personalization from service Advice and management of the different branches insurance Preparation and updating of insurance programs Health plans, for people, family nuclei and business groups GENERAL RISKS Learn more Condominium Insurance Protects buildings and homes managed under the condominium regime against various risks that may affect buildings and common areas. Vehicles / Transportation • Law coverage • Coverage for own damages • Self Excess Fire & Allied Lines It guarantees the recovery of the investment, in properties, assets and real estate, for damages caused by accidental fires. Civil liability Coverage for damages caused to third parties as a consequence of unintentional acts of the insured. Health insurance They are aimed at protecting people's health, providing coverage in medical and hospital care, both individually and collectively. Personal accidents It guarantees protection to people in the event of bodily injury caused by accidents that occur anywhere in the world or in the location indicated in the policy. Travel insurance Provides coverage against health problems or accidents that may occur during a period of travel previously scheduled with the insured. Group and individual life insurance Provides family protection, caring the subsequent occurrence of the event in the event of the eventual physical disappearance or total or partial disqualification of a family member, PERSONAL INSURANCE Learn more VISION To be the fastest growing insurance broker in the Dominican Republic MISSION We are an insurance brokerage company that we gain the trust of our clients by our focus on quality and personalized service; through highly competent and committed collaborators, guaranteeing growth for all. VALUES • Confidence • Professionalism • Innovation • Communication • Quality of service • Commitment KEY PLAYERS RICARDO RIZEK PARTNER FRANKLIN GLASS PARTNER JUAN E. RIZEK PARTNER CONTACT OUR ADDRESS Ehler Square, Local 1B, Rafael Augusto Sánchez Street, Evaristo Morales, Santo Domingo Email: info@rizekperalta.com Tel: (809) 566 0161 Click here to find us For any general information, fill in the box below. Send Thanks for writing to us! RETURN TO THE TOP
- RIESGOS GRAL | Rizekperalta
GENERAL RISKS Condominium Insurance Protects buildings and homes managed under the condominium regime against various risks that may affect buildings and common areas. There is the availability of the All Risk format, as an option to guarantee greater peace of mind to residents / tenants. Business interruption This policy compensates the company for the economic loss or income not received, due to the stoppage of the business as a result of accidents covered in the Fire and Allied Lines policy. Vehicles / Transportation Law Coverage: It is the minimum coverage required by Law 63-17 on Mobility, Transportation, Land Traffic and Road Safety, according to its article 216, for the purposes of minimally covering damages caused to third parties as consequences of accidents between vehicles involved. Coverage with own damages: This is what is commonly called "Full Insurance", which covers both the damages to third parties required by law, as well as the damages caused to the insured vehicle. Auto Excess: It is a recommended policy to increase the insured amounts of Civil Liability for damages caused to third parties. Crystals and signs Provides coverage for glass and signs against material damage or accidental breakage, including those caused as a result of the risks described. Maritime vessels It provides coverage for civil liability and damage to the boat's hull, including personal accidents for passengers and crew. Specific insurance for particular needs Refrigerated goods Hole in One Insurance Cyber Risks Civil Liability Errors or Omissions Terrorism and Sabotage Valuables It covers the loss or material damage that the items described in the policy as of value may suffer, caused by fire, theft, theft and any other cause or loss. Bonds They provide the necessary support to guarantee compliance with certain obligations. They constitute a guarantee assumed by a guarantor, who is unrelated to the debt or contract, who undertakes to compensate for the breach of the secured party. There are different modalities before which there are types of bonds: Building Tender or offer maintenance Advance or advance Faithful compliance or execution Hidden vice Customs Supply Fire & Allied Lines This policy guarantees the recovery of the investment in properties, assets and real estate, for damages caused by accidental fires, or of the other coverages that make up this insurance branch: Fire and / or Lightning Earthquake and / or Earthquake Hurricane, Cyclone, Tornado and Windsock Water damage due to cyclone Mutiny and Strike Flood and / or Ras de Mar Explosion Smoke damage Robbery with escalation and / or violence Accidental water damage Collapse and / or collapse of pallets Indirect losses Merchandise in transit Removal of debris Others… Civil liability Coverage for damage caused to third parties as a consequence of unintentional events of the insured. Fidelity It provides coverage against loss or damage caused by one or more employees to the company, whether due to embezzlement, fraud, breach of trust, theft of money, values or property belonging to or for which, as an employer, it is responsible. At the same time, it protects the agreements of commercial forgery, theft and assault, inside and outside the premises. Ground Transportation & Maritime Intended to provide coverage for the damages that the merchandise may suffer, as a result of an accident that occurs with the merchandise in the vehicle that is transported, and during loading and unloading operations, whether by boat, plane or land. All risk Construction: Provides protection against the risks to which the work is exposed during its execution, regardless of the amount thereof. Assembly: Covers the risks related to the assembly and disassembly of machines, devices and structures of a work and installation of machinery, as well as the losses that may be suffered as a result of unforeseen damages. Contractors Equipment: Provides protection to all the machinery of a contractor against the events that may occur during their normal work. Electronic Equipment: Provides coverage against damages that devices may suffer as a result of unforeseen accidents. Machinery Breakdown: protection against technical damage or human failure in the handling and control of your machinery. Guarantees compensation for material damage that machinery may suffer unexpectedly, due to multiple factors, and that require repair, reimbursement or replacement of the same, such as power plants, boilers, compressors, water pumps, excluding short life equipment and machinery.
INSURANCE OF PEOPLE Health insurance Health Insurance: They are aimed at protecting people's health, providing coverage in medical and hospital care, both individually and collectively. Basic Health Plan (PDSS): It is the basic coverage provided by the Dominican Social Security System, to all those employed persons who contribute through the Social Security Treasury. We advise on your coverage as stipulated in the Catalog of Benefits. Local Complementary Plans: These are those plans that are added to the PDSS coverage, thus increasing the limits on the main ailments that may occur, as well as catastrophic illnesses. Local and International Private Plans: Health plans with private coverage both in the Dominican Republic and internationally. These plans are designed with different modalities, and for the exterior with different coverage options, annual limits per case, as well as deductible options. Life insurances Individual & Collective Life insurance is considered the primary insurance, to provide savings, security and continuity in every home, regardless of economic or social levels. This provides family protection, taking care of the later of the same in the event of the eventual physical disappearance or total or partial disability of a family member. Personal accidents It guarantees protection to people in the event of bodily injury caused by accidents that occur anywhere in the world or in the location indicated in the policy. Travel insurance Provides coverage against health problems or accidents that may occur during a period of travel previously scheduled with the insured. Coverage insurance specials Last Expenses Ophthalmological Dental Air ambulance Disease insurance Catastrophic It provides coverage for high-risk diseases, whose treatments merit having large resources that generally damage the family economy.